Monday, October 5, 2015

Hello everyone, it’s me Peter Lawless again. For the past few days, I’ve heard rumors about the proposed reboot of the most classic Godzilla crossover movie of all time. That’s right, I’m talking about KING KONG VERSUS GODZILLA!!! Also, I’ve heard other rumors about a possible Godzilla crossover with the 2013 blockbuster, “Pacific Rim”. I’m not sure when these movies will be colliding soon, however, it got me to think about all the other Godzilla crossovers that could’ve happened (and for some, probably should’ve happened). Which is why I’ve created this top ten list to be…


The top 10 Godzilla crossovers with other famous movie monsters:


For this list, I’ve chosen monsters only (so no Batman versus Godzilla, even though that would pretty awesome). Also for this list, size doesn’t matter. So whether it’s a small or large monster, as long as they could put up a worthy fight or at least find a way to grow to Godzilla’s size, it makes it on the list. Also I’m leaving out Gamera, mainly because he and Godzilla are pretty much the same and it wouldn’t be much of a fair fight.

1.        Godzilla versus Gil-Man (Creature from the Black Lagoon)

Reason: In my opinion, this is a crossover that should’ve happened a long time ago. Both where classic 1954 monster movies shot in black and white. In this crossover, it would perfect to shoot it all in black and white as sort of a throwback to both the originals.


2.        Godzilla versus Pumpkinhead

Reason: Since Pumpkinhead is a demon of revenge, I think it would be best to have the plot circle around Godzilla killing a person’s family and then that person would ask the old witch to summon Pumpkinhead and use some magic spell to grow to Godzilla’s size.

It might seem a bit crazy and ludicrous, but then again this whole list is.


3.        Godzilla versus Predator

Reason: I’ve wanted to see this kind of crossover for a long time. How cool would it be to see a Predator fighting Godzilla? The Predator would probably be like Captain Ahab and Godzilla as Moby Dick. Okay, maybe that’s taking it a bit too far, but I’d still love to see this sort of thing happen.


4.        Godzilla versus Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)

Reason: While I think Godzilla and Predator would be like the story of Moby Dick, Godzilla against Jason Voorhees would almost be like a reversed David and Goliath. Jason terrorizes teens at Camp Crystal Lake, Godzilla stomps on over and breathes his atomic breath on him. There you go, happy ending, roll the credits!

Actually, I think this one wouldn’t work so well on the big screen. Maybe it would work as a Youtube comedy skit.


5.        Godzilla versus Gremlins

Reason: I’ve loved Gremlins every since I was a little kid, so I think I would gladly pay to see them fight Godzilla in a theater. While Godzilla has strength in pretty much everything, Gremlins always have strength in numbers, especially when they are exposed to water. They also have that one specific gremlin who acts as the leader of their group or army such as, Stripe from the first movie, or the Mohawk and Brain Gremlins from the second movie. With these two strengths, the gremlins might be able to subdue or even overpower Godzilla until the sun comes up and kills them all.


6.        Godzilla versus The Thing from another world

Reason: I’m referring to John Carpenter’s Thing and not the 1950’s Thing. The only reason I used the full title is because Godzilla versus the Thing was already taken by Mothra in the 1960s. Anyway, I think that this kind of movie would be a slam dunk for horror movie monster fans seeing the “king” against the “thing” in an Antarctic boxing “ring”

7.        Godzilla versus Galactus (Fantastic Four)

Reason: For the record, I’m not using the space cloud version Galactus from the 2007 Fantastic Four sequel because that was just terrible. The Galactus I’m using in this list is the most popular one from the comics. Because, he is an omnipotent being he can do anything. His only weakness is an alien device called the Ultimate Nullifier, which means Godzilla could possibly only slow him down. This could be a worthy fight for comic book and Kaiju fans

8.        Godzilla versus Aliens (War of the Worlds)

Reason: Just imagine, the alien tripods from the 2005 Spielberg movie are trying to conquer the Earth again but this time the only thing in their way is Godzilla.

Who would win? Well, like Gremlins, these aliens have strength in numbers and technological superiority, but then again, all Godzilla really needs to do is sneeze on them and they’re instantly killed from either Earth bacteria or his atomic breath.

9.        Godzilla versus Zombies

Reason: Also like the Gremlins and Aliens, zombies always have strength in numbers and can easily infect Godzilla with their virus from a single bite.


10.     Godzilla versus Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man and Statue of Liberty (Ghostbusters 1 & 2)

Reason: Like Gremlins, I’ve loved the Ghostbusters movies since I was a kid. So it’s pretty hard to pick either the Mr. Stay-Puff from the first movie or the walking Statue of Liberty from the second movie. so I decided to make this crossover idea into a tag-team both Lady Liberty and Mr. Stay Puff go against the King of all monsters in a battle for New York City.

Although, we all now how it would end, right?


Well, that’s it for this top ten list.

What do you think would be an epic Godzilla crossover?

Just type your idea and leave it in the comments section of this blog.

Thank you and see you next time J!!!

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