Thursday, June 5, 2014

Peter’s picks with comics and flicks:




Recently, I’ve been following the recent news about the upcoming fifth installment in the Terminator film series.

Now as we all know, Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to be returning as the iconic cyborg character, and the title has been released for quite some time. They’re calling it, “TERMINATOR: GENESIS.”

As with most people, I can’t wait to see this movie and wonder what the title means.

Then I was thinking, what if there were other models besides the T-800, T-1000, T-X and T-600? What if Skynet had its own recall line of terminators that were rejected?

Well here are my top 5 terminator rejects in honor of the fifth movie. Just so you know, these five models are based off of other characters in other movies and TV shows just for parody matter and we’ll also be pointing out there flaws.



The top five TERMINATOR MODELS that are not going to be in Terminator: genesis...

...and probably shouldnt be!!!

By Peter Lawless

1.           MR. T-800

This models Flaw: this models hydrogen fuel power cells overheat way too easily when in combat or basically when asked any question about the next A-team movie. Basically, I pity the fool who messes with this model.


2.         Et-1000

This models Flaw: this model is able to stab its victims eyes out with his bladed fingers but can also heal them as well with his regenerated touch power.


3.       T-3po

This models Flaw: too shiny and too whiny. The force aint so strong in this one.


4.       R2-t2

This models Flaw: with all that space in this model for rocket boosters, grappling claws and even a small tazer, there just wasnt enough room to attach a friggin mini-gun. Also, it was too cute to be taken for a threat by the human resistance.


5.       Terminator/Cylon hybrid

This models Flaw: seriously, guys? A hybrid? The only flaw for this one is that those two things are pretty much the same. So Why the heck would we put them together as one machine? Not much difference if you ask me. Also, it has the firing skills of an original 1978 Cylon which had as much firing skills as a drunk STAR WARS imperial stormtrooper on drugs.





Well, those are my top five ideas for rejected Terminator models.

However, if anyone wishes to submit their own idea for a rejected terminator model, post it in the comment section and I’ll add it to my next list with your username on it.



Keep reading my blogs and…

Ill be back...

With more!!! J

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