Monday, October 26, 2015

Hello, everybody, it’s me Peter Lawless again. As you probably all know, I like the Avengers movies and the Star Trek franchise. Today I recently thought of what it would be like to see various Star Trek characters assume the roles of various Avenger superheroes.

So without any hesitation, I present to you…

The Top 10 STAR TREK Characters that would make good doubles for the AVENGERS

Author’s note:

For this list, I’ve picked various characters from both the Original Series and the Next Generation timelines. Also, this list doesn’t have all of the Avengers and I’m only picking the good guys. Mainly because I’m thinking of another list for Star Trek/Avengers villain combinations.


10. Data as The Vision

Why?: When you really think about it, Data and Vision are pretty much similar. They are both Artificial Intelligence who are fascinated by humanity and try to become more human than were made for.


9. Worf as Thor

Why?: Like with Data and Vision, Worf and Thor are similar. Both come from civilizations obsessed with honor and warrior values. The only difference between them is that Klingon society is a bit more violent than Asgardian society.


8. Spock as The Hulk

Why?: I know this matchup seems a bit… illogical (I’m sorry, I couldn’t resistJ). However, it would be pretty awesome to see the most calm, cool and collected alien in all of science fiction to suddenly turn into the angriest superhero in comic book history. Since Spock is half human, he has trouble repressing his emotions. Throw in a little gamma radiation incident on the Enterprise, and you’ve got one “Hulkin’ Vulcan” (Man, I’m on a roll todayJ).


7. Geordi LaForge as War Machine

Why?: LaForge is an engineer with a visor and cybernetic eyes. War Machine is basically a military man with a awesome suit of armor. Put them together, and you’ve got a recipe for success.


6. Kira Nerys as Black Widow

Why?: Honestly, I was going to give this role to Beverly Crusher and then to Tasha Yar, but Kira Nerys is a lot tougher than both of them. Both Black Widow and Kira Nerys can kick butt and also solve problems without the assistance of men to help them.


5. Deanna Troi as Scarlet Witch

Why?: Troi can read people’s minds while Scarlet Witch can control and mess up people’s minds. With the Witch’s powers, Troi could use her advanced empathic abilities to fool enemies.


4. Benjamin Sisko as Sergeant Fury

Why?: Sisko is a natural leader, so it would make since that he is the leader of this “Avengerprise” (I just can’t turn off the bad puns, folksJ). All jokes aside, Sisko and Fury can both get things done. Even if it means violating their orders or prime directives.


3. Bones McCoy as Ant-Man

Why?: I don’t know why I choose Bones as Ant-Man. Maybe I was just out of ideasL.


2. William Riker as Iron Man

Why?: What can I say? Chicks dig heroic guys with beards, Nuff saidJ!!!


1.              James Kirk as Captain America

Why?: both Captains truly represent heroic courage and leadership in their own movies. If you were to combine these two, the whole universe would be safe.


Do you like my list? Do you think I missed any combinations?

If you do like my list or have your own combo ideas, leave a comment in the section below and I’ll post it on my next blog.


And don’t worry, the next list I publish won’t have that many puns in itJ.

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