Friday, October 16, 2015

Hello everybody, it’s me Peter Lawless. As we all know, Halloween is just around the corner and with it comes the news that a new “Halloween” movie is coming out soon. While the whole plot is unknown at this time, this sequel (or reboot) will feature the Shape of all evil himself, Michael Myers returning to the silver screen which is a pretty big deal since his last movie sucked like a flavorless lollipop that was dropped on the ground. So I started thinking, if this new moive does well with the box office, the fans and the critics, what other sequels will be on the horizon?

So for this list, I’ve made various titles from some of the sequels that I hope we might and might not be getting in the next few years.

Without any hesitation or rational thought, I proudly present:


Halloween: the “Shape” of things to come-

Five of the many sequels from the near future

Note: these sequels are just parodies and are nto actually being made by Hollywood. Although, the way Hollywood thinks of movies these days, we’ll probably be seeing some of these bad ideas on the silver screen someday.


Halloween 13: Michael versus Jason

Tagline: Two evils finally meet

Plot: When Michael follows his niece Jamie Lloyd to her summer camp which is Camp Crystal Lake, he runs into Jason Voorhees and the two both fight each other for who gets to kill all the people at the camp. Hey, this was bound to happen sometime.


Halloween 16: Michael takes Chicago

Plot: Haddonfield wasn’t enough!!! This time, Michael takes his murderous rampage to the biggest city in his home state of Illinois.


Halloween 18: Michael versus Michael

Plot: This Halloween, it’s “Thriller” against Killer!!! Michael sneaks into Michael Jackson’s compound where he encounters the spirit of Michael Jackson and the two have a fight.


Halloween 25: Christmastime is Fear

Plot: Evil comes home, for the holidays!!! Michael goes into a coma and misses his chance for another Halloween killing spree. So what does he do? He takes his killing spree on Christmas of course.


Halloween 31: The Death of Michael Myers

Plot: This time, we actually mean it!!! With 31 movies under his belt, Michael Myers finally gets shot in fifteen times in the chest, while he falls off a cliff with a rope around his neck and hangs himself over a functioning wood chipper that tears him to pieces.


Do you like these ideas for future sequels? What do you think would make an interesting Halloween sequel?

Leave your idea in the comments section and I will post it on my next blog entry.


-Peter Lawless J


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