Saturday, February 22, 2014

Peter's picks 2/22/14

Peter’s picks with comics and flicks


This month’s comic pick: Terminator-Endgame

Published in 1999

Published by Dark Horse Comics


Okay, so here’s the deal folks, back in July of 2013, I bought this graphic novel collection book called “The Terminator: Omnibus-Volume 2” which is a collection of 5 different Terminator comics published by Dark Horse Comics.

In this second volume omnibus, there was a story called “Terminator: Endgame” which was actually a 3-part series. This was a story that I had my doubts about for various reasons, but you know what? I now think it’s the best comic in the history of Dark Horse Comic’s publishing (no offense to the first Alien versus Predator series in 1989, that’s also pretty good, too). I know this story is nothing special compared to other stories in comics, but there is just something about it that can really hook a reader in.

This story is about an L.A. detective named Mark Sloane and a future resistance soldier named Mary Randall who are trying to save Sarah Connor after being destroying other Terminators in previous comics. While Sloane is trying overcome the fact that the terminator’s will rise up and try to destroy humanity, he is also trying to find a crazed serial killer named Catfish. To make matters even worse, yet another Terminator is sent from the future to kill Sarah Connor while she gives birth to her child. Unlike the Terminators in the movies who know to go to L.A. to find Sarah Connor, this Terminator (who sort of looks like Schwarzenegger only with darker hair and a beard) travels from the Canadian Tundra to Odessa, Texas where Connor is located and he manages to kill so many people in his way.  I’m not kidding, he kills so many more innocent lives than the Terminators from the movies ever could.

 This story is also a continuation of other comics like, “Tempest”, “Secondary Objectives” and “The Enemy Within” which I found out are in the first volume omnibus. The story arc is hard to follow, but it’s easy to understand when the characters talk about the previous events that did not occur in this comic, but in the other three

Because I don’t want to spoil it for you, I’m not going to talk about the ending of this story. However, I’m just going to say this… it is possibly the greatest twist ending in a Terminator story since the ending of the first movie. Let’s just leave it at that. You can Google the story itself or actually buy the omnibus or just buy the graphic novel separately if you want to skip all the other stories in the omnibus and let’s face it, who doesn’t.

In conclusion, TERMINATOR: ENDGAME is a Terminator comic at its best. It has a great storyline, excellent action and it’s not just a great Terminator comic…it’s a great comic period. Anybody who is a fan of the Terminator franchise or just comic books in general should read this comic.

Thank you for reading this and…

I’ll be back!!!

P.S.: Sorry I said that line. I know it’s a cheesy thing to say, but I just couldn’t resist it. J

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