Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hey everyone, it’s me again Peter Lawless.

Now as we all know, the third installment in the Star Trek reboot trilogy is coming out later this year. It is called “Star Trek: Beyond”. Unlike the first two installments, this one will be directed not by J.J. Abrams, but by Justin Lin, director of the “Fast & Furious” movie franchise.

I will be going over my thoughts for the film based on the Trailer and information I’ve seen on various film websites.


As a rising filmmaker and a huge Star Trek fan, I am both excited and worried about this movie. Why am I worried? Because after seeing the first official trailer, it almost got me “Hooked on a Feeling” that this is going to be a rip-off of “Guardians of the Galaxy” (get it?J heh, heh). Anyway, the plot of this movie involved the Starship Enterprise getting destroyed (for the third time in the franchise) and the crew gets stranded on an alien planet while there is some sort of alien invasion fleet heading to destroy Earth.

So you know, basic plot of a Star Trek movie.



Another thing that bothers me about this movie is that Alice Eve might not reprise her role as Dr. Carol Marcus from “Star Trek: Into Darkness”. In the previous movie, it seemed that she and Captain Kirk would possibly fall in love in the next movie. But instead, they seemed to have replaced her with a chalk white skinned alien chick whose name I don’t even know. I hope that’s not the case when it comes out.

However, one good thing to come out of this movie so far is it’s casting for the villain. Actor Idris Elba of the 2013 blockbuster “Pacific Rim” and the Netflix series “Beasts of the Southern Wild” will be cast as some alien villain. I don’t know which species his character is. Personally, I would have preferred Elba to play a Klingon villain in this movie.

I mean that be pretty cool, right? A powerful manly voice like his speaking an alien language? I’d buy a ticket in advance just to listen to him say his epic Pacific Rim speech in Klingon.


Anyway, the original cast members from the first two movies are all returning with the exception of one. I think we all know who I am talking about and I hope they at least pay a tribute to him before the credits roll. L



Another thing that I have mixed feelings for is the instances of humor and comedy. I’m not going to give any examples or scenes because of spoilers, but I’m rather split on the decision to add slapstick comedy to a sci-fi movie. Well at least one that isn’t “Guardians of the Galaxy.”


Overall, this movie doesn’t look like a real Star Trek movie. With the franchises 60th anniversary coming this year, this movie seems like the only tribute that Hollywood could think of.

However, I could be wrong. After all, the film hasn’t come out yet. As long as further trailers don’t spoil the movie and give away crucial scenes like “Terminator: Genisys” did, then this film could either be a decent installment in a great franchise, or the stake in the heart that would kill this franchise once and for all.

I really do hope it’s the first outcome, but at this point, I’m not too sure. Heck, I’m still waiting for a “Next Generation” film reboot.


So what do you think of my opinions? Do you have any thoughts on “Star Trek: Beyond” that you would like to share?

If so, leave them in the comments section and I will post them in my next blog.



Live Long & Prosper,

Peter Lawless J